Abstract acrylic fun for everyone!

How I start abstracts

My art path started a long time ago, but abstracts only started recently. I love colors, and just putting color combinations together. I was playing around on a canvas and a friend said “oh I like that” and that is how my abstracts with acrylics started. It has been such a fun and rewarding experience and I have learned so much doing abstracts. My background is mostly fashion figure art, so this has been a nice change for me.

Here are some starting points for anyone that would like to try an abstract:

Choose your subject, and subject I really mean shapes or whatever you want even organic shapes. You can make sketches on paper first to see if you like what you are thinking. I will do that first, place my shapes on different areas of the paper to see where it looks best. The bigger shapes are where the eye is going to be drawn too.

Gather your materials. You will need acrylic paint, brushes, a canvas or other surface to paint on, and a palette. Palette can be any bowl or even a paper plate. Painting materials, such as pencils, markers, or charcoal, can be used to to sketch out your painting before you start painting with acrylics. I sometimes will also use paper, or even fabric in my painting. More on that in another blog! Let’s stick to just paint for the moment.

Priming your surface. If you are painting on a canvas, you will need to prime it first with gesso. You can find this at your local art store - it comes in clear, white or black. This will help the acrylic paint adhere to the canvas and prevent it from cracking. Wait for the gesso to dry.

Now the fun begins! Don’t think through this too much! Acrylic paint dries quickly, so it is important to work fast. You can use thin layers of paint or thick layers of paint, depending on the effect you are going for. If you use thick layers, you can use a hair dryer to dry between layers. Layers also create texture.

Once you have the basic shapes and colors down, you can start adding details. This is where you can really let your creativity shine. I usually will add details with markers or high flow liquid acrylics. Just make sure that your paint is dry before you use another color, if you don’t want the colors can muddy.

Lastly….. When your painting is complete and you will know when it is done. Sign your painting. When you are finished painting, be sure to sign your work. This will help to protect your copyright and show that you are the artist.

Here are some additional tips for beginners:

Start simple.. Don't try to paint a masterpiece on your first try. Start with simple projects. Abstracts can be simple with a few shapes.

Experiment!! There are no rules when it comes to acrylic painting. Experiment with different colors and techniques to see what you like best. A color wheel can help you with color combinations. Squishingpaint.com gives a nice and easy explanation on the color wheel.

Don’t be afraid. . Everyone makes mistakes when they are learning to paint. Don't let this discourage you. I have made and continue to make mistakes, and some of them end up being what we artists call ‘happy little mistakes’ because they turn out so wonderfully!

HAVE FUN!!!! Acrylic painting, and abstracts is a great way to relax and express your creativity. So relax, have fun, and enjoy the process.



My Creative Journey